Friday, September 19, 2008

McAfee::"Most Dangerous" Celebrity

Internet security firm, McAfee Inc., has dubbed Brad Pitt and Beyonce the most dangerous celebrities to search for on the Internet because cybercriminals use their names to lure victims. Fans searching for information and pictures of Pitt, or downloads, wallpaper and screen savers, have an 18 percent chance of having their PCs infected with a virus, spyware, spam, phishing and adware, according to the company.

Below are the Top 5 celebrities on McAfee's "Most Dangerous" list.

1. Brad Pitt - When "Brad Pitt screensavers" was searched, more than half of the resulting Web sites were identified as containing malicious downloads with spyware, adware and potential viruses.
2. Beyonce - Inputting "Beyonce ringtones" into a search engine yields risky Web sites that promote misleading offers to gather consumers' personal information.
3. Justin Timberlake - Interest in his high-profile relationships makes him an easy target for spammers and hackers. When searching for "Justin Timberlake downloads" one Web site advertised free music downloads that were flagged as directly leading to spam, spyware and adware.
4. Heidi Montag - "The Hills" star is a popular search term when it comes to searching for wallpaper. A host of wallpaper Web sites contained hundreds of malware-laden downloads.
5. Mariah Carey - Spammers and hackers are using Mariah Carey screen saver Web sites to link to other sites proven to contain spyware, adware and other threatening downloads.

McAfee via Reuters

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